Friday, December 09, 2005

What's the Time?

So my watch stopped on like Sunday night because when I went to put it on on Monday morning, it read 10:00. And I was like 'the hell? It's definitely not 10:00. It is at most 8:15 AM.' So at this point, I took off my watch and put it in an obscure pocket in my purse. However, once I did so, my wrist felt naked. Also, a couple hours later, I found myself glancing at said wrist in confusion as my watch no longer adorned it.

I've been trying to figure out why that is and the only answer I can come up with now is that I'm so conditioned to looking at my wrist to see the time that no being able to do so throws things off. It's not like I can't find out what time it is. I sit at a computer all day with the time in the lower right-hand corner. I have a cell phone on which the time is usually more accurate than my watch anyway. At home, the cable box and the VCR have clocks (yes, I know how to set the clock on the VCR. No, I can't do yours.)I have a clock radio. Then why do I feel compelled to look at my wrist to see what time it is? I'm not the only one who does it; I know a lot of people who are watch-glancers. It's more subtle than pulling out your cell and more comforting than looking at your computer.

That reminds me, do you have the time?

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