When giving advice to other people, I usually tell them that they should write when they feel upset or stressed...without, of course, taking my own advice. I had two days today - one absolutely pleasant one with one class and one absolutely miserable one with the other.
Tuesdays always feel like torture because those are the days that I have the more difficult class for 3 periods. I have to keep them quiet, in their seats and working for all that time. Before lunch wasn't terrible but after lunch was ridiculous. As soon as one quieted down, another one started. I couldn't get anything done. By the end, I didn't know what to do with myself...I mean, how much nonsense can one person actually be expected to take in exchange for a paycheck?
I was also partly embarrassed because there was someone visiting my class who I respect and I did not want her to see the class behaving like this. However, she had some insight about the behavior of at least two of the students. Also, she made a couple of suggestions which I will look into.
I feel like I am banging my head against the wall with this class so much so that I am procrastinating in planning for tomorrow because I'm so sick of them. Wednesdays are always better, since I actually only have that class for 2 periods instead of 3 but I have them for 2 periods in a row.